Welcome To Snehan Global Industries

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peopleswati kishor jaiswal
home104 Tridev Commercial, 440013, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA - India

Company Information

SNEHAN GLOBAL INDUSTRIES PVT Ltd based in Mumbai, India. Snehan Global Industries specializing in the supply of a wide verity of Agro Food Commodities such as Spices, Oil Seeds, Dry Fruits, Bakery and Confectionary Food ingredients and raw materials. Since its inception Based in Mumbai, a business hub between north and south, Snehan Global Industries has built a reputation for high

Company Facts

Business Type : Wholesale Suppliers / General Sellers
Year of Estd. : 2000
Company Turnover : Below USD 0.1 Million (or Rs. 0.5 Crore)
No. of Employees : Below 20