Product Details :
Piracetam is a smart-drug or nootropic. Nootropic means acting on the mind. It is a term first used by Dr. Giurgea to describe a substance found to have useful effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration etc. That substance was piracetam (branded Nootropil ®), not only was it beneficial, but it was also found to have so few side effects and contraindications that one biochemist described it as as safe as salt!
Since then, nootropics have so-many beneficial affects on mental and memory capabilities, that they have come to be known as smart-drugs. One of the primary differences between nootropics and other memory enhancers is that nootropics have a beneficial effect upon the brain's Corpus Callosum. This area of the brain joins the two hemispheres, it links the logical side with creative side, hence ying and yang. This may be the major reason why creative individuals and brain workers find they can accomplish much more, when they are supplementing with nootropics.