Welcome To Is Hana Company Limited

contact_phoneContact Us
peopleIgwe Henry
homeC/219 Clifford Way Missebo, 00229, Cotonou, Atlantique - Benin

Company Information

Dear Sir/Madam, We are confirm our good interest to establish a long lasting business relationship with your esteem company for importing and distributing of your company products here in West Africa countries. Our major importing products are Foods related products,Drinks,wines, Canned meats, Frozen Chicken & turkey,Beverages,Dairy products,Energy Drink,Cereals products,Tobacco products,Tea & Coffee,Rice ,sugar,Health products etc

Company Facts

Business Type : Importers / Buyers
Year of Estd. : 1997
Company Turnover : USD 5 to 10 Million (or Rs. 25 to 50 Crore)
No. of Employees : 50 - 100