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peopleDr. Srikanta Choudhury
home Post Box No. 8897, Kolkata 700 013, India., 700013, Kolkata, WEST BENGAL - India

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The idea of establishing HOMOEOPATHY INTERNATIONAL hit Dr. Harimohan Choudhury’s mind while he was seriously consider to procuring Homoeo medicines of LM Potency. Dr. Choudhury, ardent believer in Master Hahnemann’s 6th Edition of Organon, had preferred to treat the patient through LM potentized medicine since the beginning of his carrier in 1960. Impressed by the teachings of the Master Hahnemann, he set up the pioneer organization of LM Potency in 1978. Dr. Choudhury believed that LM Potency is the life long research work of Master Samuel Hahnemann and he introduced in his latest contribution in the Organon of Medicine, 6th Edition which is the safest posology of treatment.