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Fib’n’es - Dietary Fiber Supplements For Anti Diabetes

Product Details :

FIB’N’ES for diabetic • WHAT IS DIABETIC? We require energy for all our body activities. This energy is mainly derived from carbohydrates. When we eat carbohydrates through our diet it is converted in to glucose and taken by the blood. Normally insulin a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas helps to utilize sugar for the production of energy by the body. Where as in diabetes either the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or what is produced is not effective in controlling the blood sugar. • HOW FIBNES FUNCTION? FIB’N’ES reduces the glycemic ndex which in turn slows the digestion time this reduces the requirement of insulin for production of energy

Fib’n’cad - Dietary Fiber Supplements For Anti Coranary Artery Disease

Product Details :

• WHAT S FIB N CAD? Fatty material and other substances form a plaque build-up on the walls of your coronary arteries. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to your heart. This buildup causes the arteries to get narrow. As a result, blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. The elevated level of blood lipids (Cholesterol and triglycerides) are the major risk factors for Coronary artery diseases. • HOW FIB ‘N’ CAD FUNCTION? Fib n cad Lowers the blood cholesterol levels (below 200 mg/dl.) have been associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The body uses cholesterol in the production of bile acids some of which are excreted daily. The consumption of fiber binds to bile acids, suggesting that a high-fiber diet may result in an increased excretion of cholesterol. The only diet which lowers cholesterol.

Fib’n’sion For Anti Hyper Tension

Product Details :

• What is hypertension? Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated. With every heart beat, the heart pumps blood through the arteries to the rest of the body. Blood pressure is the force of blood that is pushing up against the walls of the blood vessels. If the pressure is too high, the heart has to work harder to pump, and this could lead to organ damage and several illnesses such as brain stroke, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, aneurysm, or renal failure. This is mainly caused due to elevated level of blood lipids (Cholesterol and triglycerides) • How fib ‘n’ sion FUNCTIONS? Fib n sion Lowers the blood cholesterol levels (below 200 mg/dl.) have been associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The body uses cholesterol in the production of bile acids some of which are excreted daily. The consumption of fiber binds to bile acids, suggesting that a high-fiber diet may result in an increased excretion of cholesterol.

Fib’ N’ Can For Anti Cancer

Product Details :

• What is cancer? Cancer tumors develop, in part, by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you eat lots of sugary snacks loaded with simple carbohydrates, you're loading your bloodstream with the chemical energy needed for cancer cells (and tumors) to proliferate. No biological system can live without fuel for its chemical processes, including cancer cells. • How fibncan works? FIBNCAN reduces the glycemic ndex and slows the digestion time this reduces the blood glucose level and the energy required to multiply the cancer cells . Fibncan detoxifies the toxins present in the colon especially carcinogens which causes cancer.

Fib’n’tis For Anti Gastritis

Product Details :

What is gastritis? Gastritis is a condition in which the stomach lining known as the mucosa is inflamed. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and encymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed,it produces less acid,enzymes,and mucus. when food is taken for digestion bacteria will infect the stomach linng and causes ulceer too.. • How Fib n tis works? Fibntis prevents the mucous membrane and it prolongs the digestive time that requires large population of bacteria to digest food and reduces the acid produced during digestion