Trade Offers

contact_phoneContact Us
peopleLuna Ho 888
homeXinzhou Road, 518000, Shenzhen , Guangdong - China
Type Wanted-Distributor

Looking for distributors of our unique handcrafted pillar candles. Best selling product, ideal for home decor, festivals, birthday presents, valentines, Diwali, corporate gifts and wedding hampers

Type Wanted-Buyers interested in selling Candles OR Distributors who can aid in making candles available throughout India.

Looking for Buyers/Distributors for making our soy wax candles in glass jars reach Tier 1 cities.

Type Wanted-Looking for Distributors to make our handcrafted pillar candles available through out India

Our candles make the perfect item for gifting, specially to women. We have received great reviews for our product in the local Chandigarh market and are looking at expanding the scope and availability of our candles throughout India/ or to cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore initially. Please contact us for pictures.