Protein Powder: 200gm Tin / Protein Syrup: 200ml Bottle
Protein Powder is enriched with Protein, DHA, Iron, Vitamins, Zinc and other nutritional trace elements. Protein powder and syrup are recommended to take in Pre/Post operative nutrition deficiences, Pregnant/ Lactating Ladies, General weakness and Workaholics.
Pack: 10x10 Tablets Blister
Vitamin B12 Tablets are recommended for wide variety of brain diseases and nerve disorders like Peripheral neuropathy, Diabetic neuropathy, Dementia, Dug induces neuropathy, CV disorders, Physical and mental fatigue, Multiple sclerosis and Alcoholic neuropathy.
Pack: 10x15 Tablets Blister
Calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D3 increases calcium absorption and its deficiency may cause muscle weakness and pain. This tablet replace lost calcium in pregnany, reduce fracture risk and used in treatment of osteoporpsis.
Pack: 10X10 Capsules Alu-Alu
These capsules are rich source in vitamins, anti-oxidant, minerals and spiriluna. Capsules helps to strengthen blood vessels and increase blood flow from tiny vessels to tissue. They are recommended in malnutrtion, convalescence, pre and post operative cases, pregnancy and lactation, diabetes, improves delivery of oxygen to cells and during hyper tensions.
Pack: 200ml Bottle
Vitamin B-complex+L-Lysine syrup is beneficial in combating stress, carbohydrate metabolism, hormone syntheis, lowering cholesterol and RBC production. This syrup is also recommened with antibiotics, in convalescence, growing years, anorexia and ageing.
Pack- 200ml Bottle
This syrup is enriched with fungal diastase, pepsin, vitamin B complex which incorporates natural enzymes in body and it is indicated in loss of appetite, indigestion, belching, dyspepsia and improves functions of GI tract.