Ammae Delight medley PRO - Multigrain Porridge Powder

Product Details :

Delight Medley Pro is a combination of grains that help regulate blood sugar levels, builds immunity, reduces cardio vascular problems, reduces cholesterol, removes toxins etc. Delight Medley Pro is especially rich in protein, an essential building block to cell growth and regeneration. Protein sources that are also plant-based actually help lose weight as you lower cholesterol.

The complex carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals inherent in the ingredients used helps in combating various issues like cardio vascular health, weight management, and maintenance of blood sugar levels, detoxification, immune build up and constipation. The presence of methi helps in the production of insulin and slows down the absorption rate of sugar, making it diabetic friendly. The amla helps in protein metabolism and increases immunity. All the ingredients used in Delight Medley Pro, paves way for blood sugar regulation, benefitting the diabetic community.