Shivalik Herbals - Timemax

Product Details :

Timemax Capsules

Finishing too soon in bed is one problem which can completely destroy the self confidence of man. Although there are few allopathic drugs which can temporarily treat this problem, but they have adverse side effects. The only way to permanently treat this problem is of taking some natural herbs specifically mentioned in ayuerveda. The great Indian sages like vatsyayana suggest the use of natural herbs to last long enough to bring women to orgasm. Women love the man whose sexual energy lasts a longer time, but they resent a man whose energy end quickly, because he stops before they reach climax.

Timemax capsules is herbal medicine to prolong your time. It is exotic blend of 12 Ayurveda’s most treasured aphrodisiacs herbs. It will enable you to achieve & sustain erection for longer time.