Shivalik Herbals - Bio Slim

Product Details :

Shivalik BioSlim

Shivalik BioSlim is a herbal medicine which helps in reducing weight in a natural way. As it is a totally herbal medicine it works slowly on the body and does not force it to lose weight. The weight once lost with Shivalik BioSlim never comes back as it is totally natural way of losing weight. It is not like other artificial weight loss mechanisms and devices which force our body to lose weight and the lost weight always comes back when the application of such a device is stopped. Heating up our body and using different vibration techniques is just like heating up a piece of iron and then beating it to give some new shape. 

As we do it with other problems we should look for the cause of obesity first, only then we can fight it. Until or unless we fight the cause of a problem it cannot be solved. General causes of obesity includes lower Basal metabolic rate (BMR), high calorie intake, physically inactive lifestyle, Shivalik BioSlim helps you to fight the first two. It increases your BMR and improves your digestive system so that you do not feel the need to eat more. Shivalik BioSlim.



  • Increases Basal metabolic rate.
  • Corrects all aspects of digestive system
  • Lowers down cholesterol.
  • Prevents fat deposition.
  • Nurtures & strengthens the liver.
  • Balance stomach acids.
  • Improves food absorption.
  • Detoxifies & cleanses our body.
  • Reduces triglycerides & promotes healthy lipids. 
  • Regulates bowel movements.
  • Cures indigestion & constipation.




Q. Who should take Shivalik Bioslim?

It should be taken by all the men and women who are overweight i.e. whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 25.

Q. What is the recommended dose of Shivalik Bioslim?

2 capsules thrice daily with lukewarm water for best results.

Q. After how long will I get results or feel the difference?

A regular intake of Shivalik Bioslim over a period of 4 weeks is enough to show results in case of most of the patients. For better results you should go for regular exercise like brisk walk or aerobics along with regular intake of medicine.  

Q. Should I go for weight loss through electronic machines?

Many people go for this type of treatment to curb obesity. Weight loss with the help of these machines is not permanent and comes back once the application of machines is stopped. Moreover artificially heating and vibrating the body may also disturb other body systems.