Femohills Kit Herbal Hills

Product Details :

Women's Health Kit


1) Femohills 30 Soft gel capsules - Female Balance

2) Shatavarihills 60 capsules - Woman Tonic

3) Methihills 60 capsules - Joint Health Support


Main ingredient in this kit are Femohills Formulation supported by Single herb Shatavarihills + Single herb Methihills to give Complete, effective & speedy result to get Healthy Skin


1) Femohills 30 Soft gel capsules - Women's Health

- The selection of herbs in Femohills is based upon a long standing use as a traditional solution for its nourishing effects on the female reproductive system and has traditionally been used to help maintain health and well being throughout all stages of a woman's life. 

- Ashoka is known as a uterine tonic and supports a healthy female reproductive system. 

- Lodhra is considered to be useful in reducing inflammation of the uterus & helps controlling symptoms like leucorrhoea & menorrhagia. 

- Dashamoola is known to have good anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, helps low backache & other painful conditions. 


Beneits :

-Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and maintains menstrual flow

- Provides healthy hormonal balance

- Helps to nourish & strengthen the female reproductive organs


2) Shatavarihills 60 capsules - Women Tonic

- Each capsule contains 100 mg Shatavari Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Shatavari Roots (Asparagus racemosus) (4:1) (equivalent to 1000 mg of Shatavari Roots). When assayed these capsules contain Saponin NLT 30%.

- It is known as a female health tonic. It is helpful in all stages of womanhood. It supports normal functioning of the female reproductive system.  It is a rich source of protein.  It is one of the most potent & safe lactation promoting agent.


Beneits :

- Acts as an Adaptogenic & rejuvenator

- Female health tonic

- Promotes lactation


3) Methihills 60 capsules - Joint Health Support

Methi has an immense healing power & is considered to be very effective anti-inflammatory herbal & may help relieve symptoms related to pain due to exercise & normal overuse.

- Each capsule contains 250 mg Methi seed Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Methi seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) (15:1) (equivalent to 3750 mg of Methi seeds). When assayed these capsules contain Bitter NLT 5%, Saponin 8%.

-Traditionally Methi has been used for various disorders such as in Diabetes, high cholesterol etc. It is known to correct & maintain lipid metabolism, thereby checking weight.


Benefits :

- Helps to correct & maintains lipid metabolism

- Helps maintain normal blood sugar

- Provides support to muscles & joints