Chingli Onion

Product Details :

The onion (Allium cepa) (Latin 'cepa' = onion), also known as the bulb onion orcommon onion, is used as vegetable and is the most widely cultivated species of the genus allium This genus also contains several other species variously referred to as onions and cultivated for food,.

The onion is most frequently a biennial  or a perennial plant  but is usually treated as annual  and harvested in its first growing season.

Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a foodstuff they are usually served cooked, as a vegetables  or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. They are pungent when chopped and contain certain chemical substances which irritate the eyes. Onions contain phenolicks and  flavonoids  that have potential anti inflammatory ,anti cholesterol  ,anticancer  and antioxidant  properties.


Onions are commonly chopped and used as an ingredient in various hearty warm dishes, and may also be used as a main ingredient in their own right, for example in French onion soup  or onion chutney . They are very versatile and can be baked, boiled, braised, grilled, fried, roasted, sautéed or eaten raw in salads.[Their layered nature makes them easy to hollow out once cooked, facilitating  stuffing them. Onions are a staple in Indian cuisine, used as a thickening agent for curries and gravies