Arthakure Capsules (for Artharitis)

Product Details :

Introduction: A rheumatic disorder is an autoimmune syndrome I may Said as autoimmune reaction where anti bodies develop against components of joint tissues and aggressively attack the joints lt destroys the cartilage synovial fluid done and tissues Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition which affects entire body ln this condition usually involves several joints in the onset typically in symmetrical fashion I.e. both hands,both wrist,both hips, resultantly causes inflammation, stiffness and immobility. This entire terminology is defined under the chapter of Ama vat in text of Ayurveda Therapeutis measures for treatment in this condition Include drugs [aspirin,gold. Analgesic, anti malarias, Anti inflammatory agents and corticosteroids], physical Therapy, splintage and various orthopedis procedures. Each of these has a specific role in limiting the disease Process. Response to drug varies considerably in Different situation in patients. Search for a safe and Effective is in progress because almost all the modern Drug available today have some side effects and Complications following prolonged use. Arthakure Capsule is balanced formulation as per The text of Ayurveda, basically strikes at the root cause of Rheumatic disorders and restores the freedom of Movements. It restores relief in pain. Maintains the Mobility without causing any untoward action.