Slimming Tea(Obese cut tea)

Product Details :

. Obecut Tea. ( Slim tea)

Organic Green Leaves International- GLI - Slim tea is aunique and naturalay caffeine free herbal tea,the mixture of herbs are benifits to cut the exess fat  and drastic result on waeight loss,It corrects the Metobolic activivates,Garcinoa,Boerhaavia,(FOS) with STEVIA Green powder extract, will help to reduce the fats in the body and exess weight. They will stimulate to burn the bad fats,

Ingradiants; Garcinia combojia ext,Boethaavia diffusa ext, cassia fitula,Stevia Green extract powder,Green tea ext,Black tea extract, containes natural flavours.

Dose; 3- 4 times a day before Break fast and meals

No side effects.

Certificates. ; Organic ,NAOP,USAD .

Packing;  50 sticks in one pack.

Bulk packs are also available.