The past is the new future
Loss of appetite
Drug Induced Hepatitis
Punarnava Root extract, Kakamachi Whole plant extract, Kasamarda Seed extract, Amalaki Fruit extract, Bhringraja Whole plant extract, Trikatu extract, Bhumyamalaki Whole plant extract, Katuka Rhizome extract, Guduchi Stem extract
Indications: Stress & Depression and as an immunomodulator
Ingredients: Tulsi Extract, Twaka Extract, Shunthi Extract, Lavanga Extract.
Ashvagandha Root Extract, Ashvagandha Root Powder
Indications: Cough and Common Cold, Sore throat, as an Immunomodulator, Rejuvenator and Mouth Freshener
Ingredients: Haridra Extract, Pippali Extract, Putiha Extract.
Indications: Rejuvenator and Immunomodulator
Ingredients: Haridra, Pippali
Indications: For Mouth ulcers
Ingredients: Lavanga Buds Taila, Haridra Rhizome Extract, Nagavalli Leaf Extract, Haritaki Fruit Extract, Yashtimadhuka Stem/Root Extract
• Mild to moderate cases of erectile dysfunction
• Loss of Libido
Gokshura Extract , Ashvagandha Extract, Shvet Musali Extract, Kapikacchu Extract, Nagavalli Extract, Jatiphala Extract, Lavang Extract, Kesara Powder.
Indications: Hyperpigmentation and various skin disorders
Ingredients: Kanaka Taila, Arjuna Extract, Manjishtha Extract, Lodhra Extract, Jatiphala Extract, Yashtimadhuka Extract
Lavanga oil,Triphala Extract, Gandhapura oil, Nimba Extract
Indications: Functional constipation associated with Haemorrhoids, Fissure, Fistula and Chronic illness
Ingredients: Isabgol Seed coat husk, Triphala Fruits Extract, Sonamukhi Leaves Extract, Aragwadha Fruit pulp Extract, Ajmoda Fruits Extract,Trivrut Root Extract