Fertility Enhancer - For Improved Quality And Quantity Of Sperm

Product Details :

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Vega spem is a herbal blend which help to overcome infertility by working out on all the organs related to fertility. It contains herbal ingredients which may increase the number of sperms and semen density. Vega spem may help in nourishing the various components of a complex male sexual system of organs : the ejaculatory ducts, the prostate gland, the vans deferens and so on. It is useful in oligospermia. Stress, pollution, inadequate lifestyle or nutritional habits, past illnesses, drugs side effects... These are some of the major factors that can decrease the quality and the quantity of the male semen.A sometimes underestimated consequence of these problems is the decrease of fertility. Characteristics of Herbs used in the Product: Pueraria tuberosa: Aphrodisiac, tonic has stimulant and estrogenic activity. Withania somnifera:Is a potent aphrodisiac rejuvenative and helps to adapt to stress. Asparagus adscendens: Promotes semen production, diaphoretic,stimulant. Astercantha logifolia: Contains abundant of mucilage and potassium salts, which ultimately increases the blood circulation in the body. Dosage: One capsule twice daily with water, fruit juice or milk.