Retailer and Exporter of Herbal Products

Neem Tablets

Product Details :

The neem tree (azadirachta indica), which grows in india and surrounding areas, has been called "arishtha" sanskrit for "reliever of sickness. " virtually every part of the tree is beneficial for healing and has been used medicinally for over 2000 years. Neem has been used in a variety of ways both for personal and community health. Neem leaves, fruits, flowers and bark contains antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and also acts as a contraceptive agent. This native indian tree has been identified on the five-thousand-year-old seals excavated from the indus valley civilization”. Today the margosa (neem) is valued more highly for its capacity to exercise the demon of disease than the spirit of the dead, and an image of the folk goddess sitala can often be seen suspended from a neem branch where she guards against small pox. Neem is used in pyrexia, diabetes, urinary problems, filarial worms, respiratory disorders, dermatological disorders, gynecological disorders and by way of external use for eyes, piles and fistula, wounds, hair, dental hygiene and as fertility regulatory material and in addition to its uses in ophthalmic problems. Neem leaves help in the treatment of neuromuscular pains. Neem leaves are also reported to remove toxins, purify blood and prevent damage caused by free radical in the body by neutralizing them. Neem leaves are reported to be beneficial in eye disorders and/insect bite poisons. Studies on plasma clotting time using russell’s viper venom have proved that the leaf extract contains a clotting inhibitor. This justifies its use in the treatment of poisonous bites. Neem leaves have shown significant antiulcer activity and anti-inflammatory effect. Extract of neem leaves have shown reduction in the frequency and seventy of stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions. We have extracted neem leaves and put in an easy to take tablets form. The bottle contains 100 tablets. Basic dosage: 02 tablets, twice a day, with normal/lukewarm water. Best results, 30 minutes after breakfast and dinner.